Thats one chessy smile, if I've
ever seen one!!
Here, she was cracking herself
up...not sure what was so funny,
but she sure was belly laughing
about something
Ummm...thats where my chap
stick went...i was looking all over
for it...i usually keep it in a basket
on the table...looks like nosey Nelly
found it for me:>)
I love this pic...that smile is to
die for!!! She is playing with her
activity table from christmas...
i just happen to have the camera
ready...she looks up at me, and just
smiles....maybe cuz she has the best
mommy in the world:>)
Here are a few snap shots of miss
Ava in action....hope you all enjoy
them...she is just growing so fast!!!
I am still in shock...she will be a year
old in just a few weeks!!!! Thats just
crazy talk!!!
Time sure does fly doesn't it. Every month I say I can't believe that Olivia is--- months old already. I can't believe Olivia will be 1 in 3 months:)
Yes i agree 100%...its like you cant wait until they crawl, then walk...before you know it they are a year old already....they will both be starting pre K before we know it...LOL...hope things are going ok for yall!!
You better hold on as long as you can. Kendall will be 4 in March. Now you tell me where the times goes. LOL
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