Look at me mommy...in a Gator
Ava just had to have Ohara's
hat!!! She finally managed to take
it from her...i must say, i am not a
big fan of the gator hat!!!LOL
Just too cool to rule!!!
Last night we went over to Gran and Grandpa's house for dinner, and the gator game....as most of you know...i am NOT a GATOR FAN....but my child seems to be leaning that way...but i must say she is rocking that hat pretty darn well:>) Ohara is holding Ava, she is our cousin...and just happens to be one of Ava's favorite people!!!
I knew I loved her. Just send her my way. I will hook her up with anything GATOR she wants. IT'S GREAT TO BE A FLORIDA GATOR. You know I love you anyway.
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