Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy Easter

Yummm...sweet tarts

eggs momma eggs

dancing bear was there

look at my child! taking eggs from
the lil boys basket! saying mine mine
mine mine, then pitched a fit when i
made her give them

ava in action

helicopter dropping eggs

patiently waiting on the egg
hunt to start

my little cutie pie:>)

Hope everyone had a wondferful Easter, we surely did! There was an egg hunt at the church we go too. A helicopter dropped over 10,000 eggs on the socceer feild behind the church. Several drops were made for all the different age groups. Ava really enjoyed every minute of it. Watching her was priceless. We ended the evening with a good ole home cooked meal, made by me:>) The food was excellent i must say!

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