Saturday, May 2, 2009

First time at the beach

Shoveling in the sand....literally!!

Brevan...Ava's boyfriend

taking a water break

love this picture!!! how cute
is she???

going on a wagon ride with

On a mission for a "nak"
(thats what she calls a snack)

the shovel is bigger than she

testing out the water!!
there was actually a slou
at the beach today!! very
nice for the kids to play in!

chillin in the chair, getting ready
for some lunch!!
Miss Ava LOVES the beach!!!! i didn't take her last year at all. SO today was her first time at the beach!!! Of course she ate a ton of sand, good for them i hope!!!lol..Marnie, Brevan, and a couple other friends came along with us!!! The weather was wonderful, such a nice breeze, and it wasn't blazing hot yet!! the water was still a little chilly, but that sure didn't stop Ava!!! i am really looking forward to many other trips to the beach with her this summer!!!

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